Is Your Nervous System Stuck??

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Our body has 2 main states: Fight or Flight (Sympathetic) and Rest & Digest (Parasympathetic)

For your body to HEAL it must be in a HEALING state.

Many people who have chronic health issues are "stuck" in the sympathetic state of their autonomic nervous system. Your body requires time in the parasympathetic "rest and digest" state in order to repair and heal. Sadly, our modern world has created a lifestyle where most people live in a chronic sympathetic state! Our bodies can NOT heal in this chronic "fight or flight" state.

What Does It Look Like to Be Stuck in Fight or Flight??







Blood Sugar


Brain Fog/

Poor Memory

Get Sick


There is HOPE! Through neuroscience we have discovered a variety of ways to reset the autonomic nervous system.

The Safe & Sound Protocol is an evidence-based therapeutic tool designed to reset the nervous system and return it to safety. The SSP features specially filtered music that stimulates the vagus nerve, thus supporting a more calm and restful parasympathetic nervous system state.

Suitable for children and adults, the SSP has demonstrated benefits for individuals with trauma, anxiety, sensory processing differences, and much more..

Learn More About the Safe & Sound Protocol

Check Out This Quick Video!

Introducing the

Safe & Sound Program (SSP)

The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidence-based listening therapy designed to reduce sound sensitivities and improve auditory processing, behavioral state regulation, and social engagement behaviors through filtered music. As a practical application of Polyvagal Theory, the SSP acts as a non-invasive, acoustic vagal nerve stimulator, helping to re-tune the nervous system to better support connection, collaboration and resilience.

The SSP involves listening to specially filtered music that is prescribed to you by your SSP coach. The SSP allows for the re-patterning of neural networks and improved regulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) for lasting change. The SSP is a powerful tool to re-train your brain by ushering the nervous system out of a defensive (fight, flight or freeze) state and into a safe, relationally connected, calm (ventral vagal parasympathetic) state.

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Music to Create Real Change in Your Body & Nervous System

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“Here’s A Quick Recap Of What You’re Gonna Get When You Get Started Today...”


"The SSP has made a huge difference in how I feel after EMDR sessions. Normally I would struggle emotionally for a few days after EMDR. But after adding in a short SSP session after EMDR appointments, I am noticing that the emotional "hangover" is much less. I also feel calmer in my body, especially while listening. I'm looking forward to seeing what the long term effects are!"

Joyce D., Peoria, IL

What's Included with the Program??


  • Intake session with "Autonomic Mapping" exercise with a certified SSP coach

  • Live coaching sessions every 2-3 weeks (5 sessions) to learn and practice regulating skills

  • The 4 Habits of Joy Filled People course workbook mailed to you

  • App subscription with remote access to the therapeutic playlist (15 hours of therapeutic content)

  • Toolkit online course module for education and additional support tools

  • Unlimited chat support with text or voice chat check ins during your entire program

  • Program is 4 months duration

    • Average listening time is 15-30 min daily to a few times a week and is customized for each person.


$197 per month x 4 payments (or $716 paid in full)

Who is the Safe & Sound Program for??

  • Those with chronic illness that feel "stuck"

  • Survivors of childhood trauma

  • Children & adults needing more mental focus and attention

  • Children with learning, sensory, or auditory processing challenges

  • Anyone who feels "stressed out" all the time

  • Anyone who is healing from CFS, Lyme, or Mold exposure

For your body to HEAL it must be in a HEALING state!

Resetting your Nervous System could be the game changer you need to finally overcome your health challenges.

Not Sure If Safe & Sound Program is for You or Your Loved One??

Book a 15-Minute Discover Safe & Sound Call with Kelly Or Amy!

Amy Miller

Certified Safe & Sound Practitioner

Kelly Couch

Certified Safe & Sound Practitioner

(Scroll down after you click to see the Discovery Call Option)

Looking for Other Ways to Calm the Nervous System??

Grab Our FREE Guide: Nervous System Regulating Activities: Supporting Awareness, Embodiment and Resilience

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“Here’s A Quick Recap Of What You’re Gonna Get When You Get Started Today...”

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.This product/program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease